Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Top Ten Weight Loss Foods

There are so many ways to lose your weight. All of those ways are mainly related to what food that you eat everyday. Here i want to share you about top ten weight loss food. Number one is  egg. Egg contains protein that are needed by the body and brain. Consuming boiled egg every morning are believed by many people to lose your weight because it will make your stomach full, and delay the hungry feeling. But don’t forget to be careful also about this kind of food, because too much consuming it, the blood cholesterol will increase faster. Just consume it at proper portion. Next food is fish. Fish contains a lot of important protein also to maintain your body and brain as the egg. There are so many kinds of fish that you can choose. Choose your favorite fish on your menu to loss your weight.

The next food is fruits. Everyone knows that fruits contains so many important nutrition for the body. There are minerals, vitamin, and also fiber. This is kind of weight loss food. Fiber in the fruits can make your digestion system become healthier because it clean your intestine from any dangerous toxin and bacteria. Fiber can lose your weight because it will prevent you to eat many kinds of food and fruits are also able to delay your hunger. The next food is vegetable. The same as fruits vegetables are also important for our body to lose the weight. Fruit and vegetable can balance you body because these can supply many minerals, vitamin, and also fiber to lose your weight. Next is lean meat. Although some people said that meat is dangerous for the body. It is wrong because the body needs lean meat to supply energy for the blood to be spread into whole body. But you have notice it that you should limit this and make sure that you eat in proper portion. If you eat it wisely, it can make a better metabolism of your body. Milk product are also needed by the body because it can suppy nutrition to our body and also it can lose our weight.

Next, milk products, you can consume it to lose your weight also in proper condition. Next, nuts and seeds. It contain important protein and another nutrient nedded by our body. Salad is also important because it is delicious food but also low calory. So it will be useful to lose your weight. Then, water. Although this is not a kind of food. The water has function as complement of another food in the body metabolism. Water can balance the metabolism of our body. Then, the next is wholemeal products. Last but not least is wholemeal product. It is also good to lose our weight. For example, as the substitution of rice, you can consume breads. But bread that contains less suagr. It can help you lose your weight. One important thing that must be remember in this weight loss food, that losing weight is about eating the best foods and in proper quantity.

Food Combining : The Best Diet Plan for You

Food Combining is the best diet plan. It is about eating in more traditional way of eating leads to our first parents : eating on time, eating in moderate means not less or too many on the portion, chewing longer, not directly swallowed, avoiding plant foods that contain lots of preservatives and other additives, and avoiding fried foods (Hadibroto, 2006).

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Lose Weight Fast and Easy

1. Don't burden yourself by unrealistic targets, having fun with your weight loss plan
2. Water, water, water.. Drink much more water and you will see the change in one week, try this as your    habit. your fun habit. you will see your skin enlightened and your face will be much more fresh
3. Use your treadmill or go for jogging at least 15 minutes a day, you can do it by listening music too. enjoy it:)

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Being Cool with “No Smoking”

Big city has high levels of pollution. One of the biggest amount of pollution were contributed by many motor vehicles. Combustion enginee vehicles in the process producing a wide range of pollutants such as CO, lead and other harmful gases. If it inhaled by our breathing system, it will accumulate in our bodies so this will be harmful to our body and it can invite disease. Besides  pollution from vehicles, there is also a lot of factories that dump their wastes into the open air. The amount of use of air conditioners and also added a computer server pollution. Now, many of us concern  to plant one tree. Recently became trend to tackle pollution in large cities. But we just neglect towards pollution threats that are closest to us, smoke cigarettes! Smoking has become a plural we find in the big cities in Indonesia. Jakarta for example, along the way we always find those who smoked a cigarette in his mouth. The school children were part of it to consume cigarettes. They seemed indifferent to all the health threat they are ready to pounce at any time.

7 Best Food for Your Heart ^_^

Heart is a vital organ in the human body whose function is to pump blood throughout the body. In general, the function of the heart is pumping blood throughout the body and hold it again after cleaning the lungs. This means that the function is as a human heart or blood-pumping organ in humans. At the heart provide enough blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, and cleanse the body metabolism (carbon dioxide). The heart collects blood from lack of oxygen throughout the body and then pumping it into the lungs, the blood to the heart by way of taking in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. At the heart of oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is pumped to the tissues throughout the body of Man. So, it becomes important for you to include your health care in your healthy diet plans. Here are the top food for your heart on your healthy diet plans.

Mineral Water, Fruit, and Vegetable : 3 Keys Of Your Health!

Nowadays,  many people often underestimate the importance of water, vegetables, and fruits in their diet. These are important components needed by the body in a healthy digestive system. Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins and fiber. Fiber found in fruits and vegetables are an important component to facilitate digestion metabolism and prevent various diseases. Fiber is an important component that you must write on your a healthy diet plans. Fiber can prevent diseases such as constipation, coronary heart disease (because the fibers can accelerate metabolism of fat in our bodies). other than that fiber also serves as a barrier that keeps us hungry to eat a lot of excess that can lead to overweight and obesity.

Steps for Simple Diet Plan

     1.      Train Good Habits
Say you really need best diet plan. To support best diet plan, you must develop good habits. This will help your best diet plan and also maintain your diet and weight. One of them is the habit of reading the label calories listed on food packaging. This will not only train you to be a consumer matter, but also know the type, ingredients, nutritional values ​​and calories of food you consume on your best diet plan. Another habit that you can try is to eat before 18:00. Dinner three to four hours before bedtime is good for digestion, metabolism system as a whole, and help your best diet plan.

       2.      Select Complex Carbohydrate for Your Best Diet Plan
One of the main principles of the diet is to choose complex carbohydrates on our best diet plan. Simple carbohydrates, like sugar, sugary foods, white rice, white bread, instant noodles, chicken porridge, sweet foods or drinks that are less good temperament for the body, by contrast, complex carbohydrates on your best diet plan, like brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal , sweet potato, maize, or bananas, more profitable. Insulin response of complex carbohydrates to the body happens slowly. That is, due to be released gradually, blood sugar tends to be used optimally, so it is likely to be stockpiled or stored in fat cells is reduced. The resulting energy levels are also high in complex carbohydrates on your best diet plan, making it suitable for maintaining stamina during exercise and it is good for supporting your best diet plan.

5 Types of Food You Need Less on Your Best Diet Plan

     Make the best diet plan is actually not too difficult. One way to maintain it is by reducing the number of certain types of food on your best diet plan. Because the portions are very excessive, five types of food can raise your body weight and it will not support your best diet plan.
1.    Wheat flour
When people feel bored with rice, they often replace them with other sources of carbohydrate made from wheat flour, like bread or noodles. But we have to notice that when eating rice, we are much easier to measure portions on your best diet plan to lose your weight. But when eating bread, it is impossible to just eat a piece of bread alone. In fact, bread is made from a mixture of eggs, butter, and sugar, which often triggers weight gain.You should eat rice with vegetables and side dishes, to taste.

Fresh Water : Amazing Benefits For Your Best Diet Plan!

         Many people neglect the benefits of drinking fresh water for their best diet plan. Where as approximately 80% of the human body consists of water. Brain and blood are two important parts that has water content above 80%. The brain has component of water for about 90%, while the blood component has 95% water. At least, normally we need 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day as our best diet plan. For smokers this amount should be increased by half. Water is necessary in our best diet plan to replace the fluid that comes out of the body through urine, perspiration, respiration, and secretion. The doctors also recommended that 8-10 glasses of water consumed everyday on your best diet plan for your metabolism running well and normal. Here are the amazing benefits of drinking fresh water on your best diet plan :

1.      Make you digestive system working well
In your best diet plan, fresh water can easily help the intestine to digest food. Fresh water can help enzyme works in your body to get better metabolism by this best diet plan.
2.      Lose your weight on your best diet plan
Fresh water on your best diet plan also removes impurities in the body that will be thrown out through the urine. For some people, drink warm water before eating (making it feel somewhat satisfied) is one way to reduce food intake on your best diet plan. Moreover, the fresh water on your best diet plan contains no calories, sugar, or fat. However, it is best to drink water at moderate temperatures, not too hot, nor too cold on your best diet plan.
3.      Home Beauty Care
Fresh water in your best diet plan can moisturize your skin. If you’re lack of drinking water on your best diet plan, the body will absorb the water content in the skin so the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. So drink fresh water on your best diet plan to get “home beauty care”.
4.      Prevent stroke
What about the impact of less water for the brain? In fact, brain cells are the most wasteful consumption of food and oxygen carried by blood. So that the function of brain cells is not optimal and could even die quickly. These conditions will increasingly lead to stroke. Therefore do not let a lack of water on your best diet plan!
If you consume less than 8 glasses of water on your best diet plan, the overall effect is not felt.
5.      Save Your Kidney and Blood
Less water on your best diet plan for the blood is very dangerous for the body. Therefore, the blood will become thick. As a result, the journey of blood to transport oxygen and nutrients can be impaired. Thick blood will also pass through the kidney that functions as a filter or a tool to filter toxins from the blood. So if you have to filter the blood is thick then the kidneys have to work extra hard. It is not impossible kidneys may be damaged and will eventually have dialysis or in medical language is called hemodialysis. That influence is less water for blood work and kidney.

Wrong Tips You Must Avoid For Your Best Diet Plan

If you want to make your best diet plan, be careful of many wrong tips that come to you. Also, don’t ever believe in magic a promising way to lose weight within a very short time (within days). Because it will not support your best diet plan. Here are 5 tips you must avoid for your best diet plan if you want to succeed in the diet:
      1.  Avoiding fruit
Some people said about avoiding fruit for your best diet plan. Do you know what the difference between the sugar contained in fruit with sugar than you normally eat cake, snack, or other sweet drinks? The fruit contains about 60 calories per serving and a ton of vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant chemicals that help fight disease and also support your best diet plan. If we compare with other sugar sources (such as soda, chocolate bars) usually contain hundreds of calories and lack nutrition for supporting our best diet plan. Of course, you need to balance the fruit with other foods on your best diet plan, but all of best diet plan should include several servings of fruit each day.

Healthy Diet Plans for Your Children

Healthy diet plans are not only needed by adults. Children also need it. Purposes of healthy diet plans for children are to get children to live healthy and balanced in terms of eating, not lack nor excess. Wise parents should think and make healthy diet plans for children. Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
AAs parents, you have a great responsibility to set habits and make healthy diet plans. So make sure you know what a balanced diet and be a good example, because children will see what you normally eat and drink. So, make healthy diet plans for them. Age 7 years is the period of life where a child can understand the need for eating when you feel hungry or when receiving education about food from the parents and guardians. Early school age is a wonderful period to teach children good diet.BataAlpha Unfortunately, age 7-10 years, children often face the problem of poor eating habits. Without a sufficient stock of knowledge, they would easily be attacked from outside influences such as bad teachers, classmates, siblings, or playmates.  
Children should eat variety of nutrients such as protein, complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. If your child does not get it through food, give him a special children's multivitamin. Proper nutrition can help your child excel in learning and improving learning skills. Make sure that your children’s diet includes all necessary nutrients according to healthy diet plans. Here are some examples of healthy diet plans for your children :

Take Green Tea as Your Healthy Diet Plans!

Benefits of Green Tea for Your Healthy Diet Plans
Many people consume green tea to create a healthy body and to add it as one of their healthy diet plans. Based on research conducted by experts, green tea’s benefit is to reject the poison. This is because green tea contains antioxidants. Green tea also contains vitamin E and vitamin C are beneficial for strengthening the immune system, healthy skin and hair health. So, it will be very useful to include it as one of your healthy diet plans.
The following are the benefits of green tea that can help you in the healthy diet plans : prevent cancer, maintain stamina, high blood pressure, prevent cavities, as anti-sore throat, keeping cholesterol levels, relieve fatigue and much more. It will be very effective to your healthy diet plans.
In addition, the content of bioflavonoids in green tea can also strengthen digestive and help to succeed the healthy diet plans.It also plays a role in preventing the formation of cancer cells because green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate compounds which inhibit the development of carcinogenic compounds to support your healthy diet plans.
You start each morning with a cup of green tea can help you to lose weight. Green Tea is certainly not a magic bullet for weight loss, but it is one of the best health and diet foods or drinks that you can add to your daily healthy diet plans.
Green tea helps increase your metabolism in your healthy diet plans. You can burn 80 extra calories per day just by adding green tea to your healthy diet plans. It is a substance called catechin which is responsible for the effects of weight loss with green tea. We know that weight loss program is now trend. So, healthy diet plans with green tea can increase the possibility to make your healthy diet plans success.
Beauty Can Also Be Obtained With Green Tea. 

In addition to the health, green tea was also beneficial for beauty. Some cosmetic companies are now utilizing green tea as an extract for their products. Now, there are many products sabunmandi liquid, shampoo, until the cream to scrub containing green tea extract. These are another way besides healthy diet plans. Another benefit of green tea is that it can prevent hair loss, eliminate dandruff, as well as overcome the irritation that occurs on the scalp. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are contained in green tea also plays a role in hair care, that help moisturize the hair and strengthens hair so it can stay dry, do not fall out or break. Those prove that green tea is not only very useful to your healthy diet plans, but it can also take care about your beauty, especially for women. Actually there are many more benefits that can not be explained clearly because of so many benefit of it.
There are so many positive aspects of green tea in your healthy diet plans. So what are you waiting for ? Happy trying and be healthy! ^_^

6 Easy Ways To Be Slim

We often see people are trying hard to make their body slimmer. But do you know that it is very simple? I will give you 4 easy ways to be slim. Write it as your healthy diet plans and feel the change. This healthy diet plans can be done by everyone because it will not give any bad impacts.
1.      Look at the mirror, and talk to yourself : I am beautiful / handsome and I will become more beautiful/ handsome if i get slimmer. Also you have to emphasize yourself that there are so many benefits if you get slimmer. For example, you will be healthier, more fresh, and can easily do whatever activity that you want to do. So it will support all of your life so much.
2.      Convince yourself that getting slimmer is easy. Many people think that they can’t be slimmer because of their pesimistict and they are feeling pressured to be slim. One thing that i will emphasize is that being slim is not as difficut as you imagine before. Try to feel that this will be very easy. Also, it depends on how strong your commitment is. Sometimes people are giving up because of they are tempted of so many delicious and unhealthy food, such as fatty foods and full of preservativesAlpha food. These are becoming their habits since a long time ago, so it will be difficult to be changed. But don’t think so, because everything will be possible if you have strong commitment.

Reasons Why You Must Have Breakfast

The evidence proved that some people always started the day with empty stomach. It exactly not healthy diet plans. They claimed that they’re not having enough time for breakfast, others think that the habit of breakfast will only make the body fat. Research at Harvard University in the U.S. showed that people who regularly get breakfast will decrease the risk about 50 percents of being overweight than those who skip breakfast. Well, it will be better if you understand the benefits on your healthy diet plans, the following is an explanation of why breakfast is good for the body as well as giving tips on your healthy diet plans:
1.     Breakfast can fulfill nutrients that you need.
Breakfast menu like cereal with milk or low fat yogurt with granola plus will provide enough calcium and fiber as your healthy diet plans. Breakfast can lose weight so it will useful for you healthy diet plans. When your stomach is empty, your body will burn calories slowly. According to nutrition expert author of The F-Factor Diet, Zuckerbrot, RD, breakfast the morning after a night on an empty stomach can increase your metabolism, which means burning calories throughout the day will be more efficient. But Zuckerbrot stressed that the key of all is the food you consume on your healthy diet plans. A better way is eating a type of complex carbohydrate like oatmeal or whole-grain bread on your healthy diet plans. Foods with high fiber content and low sugar are digested slowly, thus providing a constant energy and makes you not feel hungry fastly. It will support your healthy diet plans. Breakfast also improve brainpower because of glucose that you eat as healthy diet plans. According to experts, glucose is the only fuel the brain needs. Without enough glucose, you feel tired and dizzy. So, you need it as your healthy diet plans.

2.      Protection against heart disease.
Research shows that healthy women who skipped breakfast for two weeks had higher levels of bad LDL cholesterol higher than those who ate a bowl of cereal plus milk in the morning. It will be bad for your healthy diet plans. But what i have to emphasize you is that you have to decrease the amount of sugar on your healthy diet plans. Because it will make your healthy diet plans becoming fail. One more tips for your healthy diet plans, if there is no time breakfast at home, you can bring sandwiches and milk to be enjoyed on the trip or after arriving at work. It will be good idea for your healthy diet plans. Many experts suggest that you stop eating after 20:00 at night as your healthy diet plans. Because it can make you will be not hungry in the morning so you are not aware to get breakfast in the morning, and it will be bad for your healthy diet plans.

After you know the benefits breakfast for your healthy diet plans. You should have breakfast as your habit to succeed your healthy diet plans and feel the better health.