Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Healthy Diet Plans for Your Children

Healthy diet plans are not only needed by adults. Children also need it. Purposes of healthy diet plans for children are to get children to live healthy and balanced in terms of eating, not lack nor excess. Wise parents should think and make healthy diet plans for children. Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
AAs parents, you have a great responsibility to set habits and make healthy diet plans. So make sure you know what a balanced diet and be a good example, because children will see what you normally eat and drink. So, make healthy diet plans for them. Age 7 years is the period of life where a child can understand the need for eating when you feel hungry or when receiving education about food from the parents and guardians. Early school age is a wonderful period to teach children good diet.BataAlpha Unfortunately, age 7-10 years, children often face the problem of poor eating habits. Without a sufficient stock of knowledge, they would easily be attacked from outside influences such as bad teachers, classmates, siblings, or playmates.  
Children should eat variety of nutrients such as protein, complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. If your child does not get it through food, give him a special children's multivitamin. Proper nutrition can help your child excel in learning and improving learning skills. Make sure that your children’s diet includes all necessary nutrients according to healthy diet plans. Here are some examples of healthy diet plans for your children :
1.      2.      Children eat what is available. Check your refrigerator. Think about what is and stop buying "for the kids." Because it will be very useful for the healthy diet plans for your children.
3.      Be a role model for your children and be aware of portion sizes as the part of healthy diet plans.
4.      Do not use food as a reward. It will endanger your healthy diet plans for your children.
5.      Educate yourself so that when your children ask for a certain food, you can explain your answer and tell about healthy diet plans. Many parents do not allow their children to eat anything with "trans fat" in it. You do not have to eat them either. But do you know why? Ready with other suggestions when your child asks you to buy something you do not think is a good idea. Because it will support the success of healthy diet plans for your children.
6.      Plant a vegetable garden. Let your child choose the plants will be theirs to take care of. Most children will happily eat the things they have grown and pick your own. This is the important part of healthy diet plans for your children.

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