Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Top Ten Weight Loss Foods

There are so many ways to lose your weight. All of those ways are mainly related to what food that you eat everyday. Here i want to share you about top ten weight loss food. Number one is  egg. Egg contains protein that are needed by the body and brain. Consuming boiled egg every morning are believed by many people to lose your weight because it will make your stomach full, and delay the hungry feeling. But don’t forget to be careful also about this kind of food, because too much consuming it, the blood cholesterol will increase faster. Just consume it at proper portion. Next food is fish. Fish contains a lot of important protein also to maintain your body and brain as the egg. There are so many kinds of fish that you can choose. Choose your favorite fish on your menu to loss your weight.

The next food is fruits. Everyone knows that fruits contains so many important nutrition for the body. There are minerals, vitamin, and also fiber. This is kind of weight loss food. Fiber in the fruits can make your digestion system become healthier because it clean your intestine from any dangerous toxin and bacteria. Fiber can lose your weight because it will prevent you to eat many kinds of food and fruits are also able to delay your hunger. The next food is vegetable. The same as fruits vegetables are also important for our body to lose the weight. Fruit and vegetable can balance you body because these can supply many minerals, vitamin, and also fiber to lose your weight. Next is lean meat. Although some people said that meat is dangerous for the body. It is wrong because the body needs lean meat to supply energy for the blood to be spread into whole body. But you have notice it that you should limit this and make sure that you eat in proper portion. If you eat it wisely, it can make a better metabolism of your body. Milk product are also needed by the body because it can suppy nutrition to our body and also it can lose our weight.

Next, milk products, you can consume it to lose your weight also in proper condition. Next, nuts and seeds. It contain important protein and another nutrient nedded by our body. Salad is also important because it is delicious food but also low calory. So it will be useful to lose your weight. Then, water. Although this is not a kind of food. The water has function as complement of another food in the body metabolism. Water can balance the metabolism of our body. Then, the next is wholemeal products. Last but not least is wholemeal product. It is also good to lose our weight. For example, as the substitution of rice, you can consume breads. But bread that contains less suagr. It can help you lose your weight. One important thing that must be remember in this weight loss food, that losing weight is about eating the best foods and in proper quantity.

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